Mission & Charter

The GSC Mission & Charter

Global Safeguarding Collaborative Mission

Ensuring all students around the world are protected by effective safeguarding practices regardless of their school’s location, financial status, or access to resources.

The GSC Charter

The Global Safeguarding Collaborative (GSC) is a supportive and highly personalized global collaborative network where safeguarding leaders and those involved in child safeguarding can learn and grow together.  We believe the health and safety of students is a school's number one priority and no school, regardless of their location, financial status, or access to resources, should be limited in their ability to protect and safeguard the children within their community. 

Working together across time zones and sometimes great distances, Global Safeguarding Collaborative members strive to be non-judgemental, encouraging, understanding and empathetic.  As a Collaborative, we actively encourage members to connect with each other through questions and sharing advice, experience, and resources. In doing so, we intentionally create an adaptive group, unique in its culture of care, that exists to meet the needs of our members and all students in our schools.

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